Membership Categories

Fellow Member

  • A person who has a Diploma/Degree in Business Studies/Administration or its equivalent and has been employed as a full-time administrative personnel for not less than one (1) year, or
  • A person who has documentary evidence of having been employed in an administrative role for not less than seven (7) years.

Auxiliary Member

  • A person who has a Certificate in Business Studies/Administration or its equivalent and has been employed as a full-time administrative personnel for not less than one (1) year, or
  • A person who has documentary evidence of having been employed in an administrative role for not less than three (3) years or
  • A person who has no administrative experience but has documentary evidence of pursuing relevant courses at an approved institution.

Click here to learn more about SAAP’s membership

The other three (3) categories of membership are for existing members who moved into a different milestone either in their career development or their contribution to the association.

These categories are as follow:

Founder Member

  • A member who had attended the Inaugural Meeting of the Association on 15 May 1971 and also joined the Association on that date or within one year of that date.
  • Members of the protem committee would automatically be Founder Members.
  • Founder Members shall have the word "Founder Member" inserted in their respective membership cards.

Life Member/Life Member Fellow

The Management Council reserves the right to confer this category of membership to a member who has

  • made significant contribution towards the professional development of the Association: and
  • served 15 years of continuous service in committees; and
  • 10 terms in Management Council

Associate Member

  • any existing member of the Association for more than five (5) years and
  • who is no longer a practicing administrative personnel for at least (1) year may apply for re-designation to this category of membership.
  • application for Associate membership shall be approved at the discretion of the Council in consideration of the member's involvement in the activities of the Association.